Welcome to the site of structurothèque of University Paris Sud

The “structurothèque” of University Paris Sud -11 is a unique collection of samples of tectonic structures stored into the department of Earth Sciences. In order to be accessible to public (teachers, researchers, curious!) theses samples have been referenced and photographed to feed a data base, now represented on this site. In some albums, the cliches are accompanied by an interpreted version indicated by the icon   next to the name of the file.

To access to the different sections of the STRUCTUROTHÈQUE of the department of Earth Sciences of University Paris Sud – 11, use the “albums” in the left side menu or below. 

You can also access to the desired content through quick search in the left side main menu or by the map (localization).

For more information about the Structurothèque’s collection, see: About...

Finally, this collection is part of a novel pedagogical complement of the book “Tectonique, 4ème edition” from the Dunod editions, in which the reader will find all theoretical elements at the origin of the structures represented here.

 Do not hesitate using the heading "Contact" if necessary. Enjoy your visit!

What’s new

This site was updated on the 1st of September 2016. It refers to more than 1000 shots of samples stored at the structurothèque of University Paris Sud 11 or taken on the field. The data base is in permanent evolution. Some of the last added photos:

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